September 10, 2009

Today is the day...

It is the day we get to have the big 20 week ultrasound and checkup. We will finally find out whether we're having a BOY, or another beautiful baby GIRL.
Anecdotally, Laura's dreams suggest that it is a girl. Of all the absurd methods/tricks/wivestales for determining the sex of an unborn baby, I am most inclined to believe the dream. The subconscious mind can be very powerful, so perhaps there's something to it.
But I asked Bennett yesterday if she thought Mommy was having a girl or a boy, and she didn't hesitate to respond, "Girl." For what it's worth, she has a history of stating the facts. For instance:

"Daddy's face is ROUGH!" - hey, it's the weekend, and I don't shave on the weekend if I can help it.

"I've got A LOT of library books." - there's never a shortage!

"Daddy went for a run, and when he comes back we can stretch and have a chocolate milk treat." - it's our thing.

Finally, we resorted to real science. A classic method that has been used with uncanny accuracy for years. It goes like this; put a ring on a necklace or string and rest it on the pregnant tummy in question, then pick up the necklace until the ring dangles over said tummy. If it moves in a circular motion, it's a girl. If it moves back and forth in a straight line, it's a boy. This method told us BOY.

We will update again no later than tomorrow with the official news. As if the "ring on a string" method isn't official enough!


  1. Ok lets throw in some women's intuition: I think its a girl, Great Grama C. thinks its a girl and Auntie Erin thinks its a boy....Keep us posted !!!

  2. oh...i am on pins and needles! i hope the whole ultrasound goes great!


Sometimes people say stuff...

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