September 10, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

Brandon and I had so much fun at our ultrasound today! We could have sat in that room watching the little one move around all day! Obviously from the title, we found out that we're having a little boy.  We couldn't be more happy!  He was very active today which was so fun to see...kicking, waving, putting his hands by his adorable! Although we all know Brandon was wanting a boy pretty badly, our ultimate goal was to have a healthy baby no matter what the gender.  So we were relieved to hear that all of his measurements are good, and he looks very healthy and the perfect size for my due date...hooray!! Right now I am over 19 1/2 weeks pregnant, and he is 11 oz and 9-10" long.  It seems that everyone I know that is either pregnant or just had a baby is having a boy, so this little guy is going to have tons of buddies!! We can't wait for him to get here! 

Not sure why this picture wouldn't turn the right way, but here is his whole body, facing left (but actually down if the picture was the right way).  You can also see his stomach, which is the black hole in the middle of him.  

His right arm...waving hi!!

Profile shot...mouth closed.

Head back and mouth open.  You can even see his tongue! We think he was laughing! :)


  1. Congradulations!! He has a nice looking profile. We think he looks like Brandon.

  2. so exciting! how did Bennett take the news?

  3. We're are so excited! Grandma JOJE

  4. Cute ultrasound pictures! Congrats on the Baby Boy! I would like to add that I was right on my prediction by the way!


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