October 28, 2010

The Halloween fun begins!

Bennett was so excited to put on her "Pinkie Pie" (a My Little Pony) costume this morning. She was supposed to wear her costume to school because they are having a parade and party. She wore it all morning, and when we got to school she ran in the classroom telling everyone "I'm Pinkie Pie!" The parents waited in the hall for about 15 min, and then they came out for a little parade and sang a song. In those 15 minutes, Bennett managed to lose her tail somewhere in her classroom and refused to put her pony head back on. So she kind of just looked like she was in a pink jumpsuit. OH well. They sang a little song that was cute and then they were on their way to trick or treat in the other classrooms. Here are some pictures from this morning...

"I'm Pinkie Pie!!"

Excited to go to school!

Checking herself out in the mirror

Would only hold her pony head...

"Addison, is that really you under that wig?"

Performing their Halloween song

October 27, 2010

9 month stats

This morning Miles had his 9 month check up.
Weight: 22 lbs, 6 oz (80%)
Height: 29" (75%)

He's a very happy and healthy boy!!

October 26, 2010

9 Months!

Miles is 9 months old today! He is so active and in to everything! He's really been practicing pulling himself up on things and then getting back down gracefully. He's also starting to transfer from one place to another while standing. We've had a lot of tumbles lately because sometimes he is more brave than he should be. His 2nd tooth should be popping through any day now. His drool level has been very high, and his gum is all white, but it hasn't quite made its way out yet. Miles continues to try new foods and still likes just about everything he tries. Some foods I've made lately include: zucchini, squash, green beans, avocado, peaches, pears, apples. He loves bananas and gets excited when he sees one!
Miles has been "talking" up a storm lately. He thinks he can talk! He has a little whisper voice that he uses a lot, but the funniest thing is when he hears a loud noise he thinks he has to yell louder than it. His favorites to do this are the bathtub water and the dust buster.
Just this week, Miles has started putting his arms up for "so big" sometimes. We're still working on being more consistent though.
Here are some pictures from today...
On the Nap Nanny...for the moment.

And he's off...

Practicing up and down

And the funniest one of all...tongue out!

October 25, 2010

Getting in the Fall spirit

Today was a lovely Fall day, so I put Miles in the stroller and Bennett and I went on a nature walk around the neighborhood. She collected acorns, leaves, flowers, petals, etc. It was a lot of fun! Then we came home and got creative. We did some leaf rubbings of our favorite leaves that we found, and then we used the pine needles we found to create a Halloween witch. Bennett needs some practice on her scissor skills, so that was a great opportunity to work on cutting and gluing. We had a great time!

Bennett with her leaf rubbings and Halloween witch (she cut the triangle)

If you look closely, you can see his 1 tooth!

Bennett's changing table is one of Miles's favorite places to pull up...Here he is on his way up...

And he's up, and very proud of himself! :)

October 19, 2010


The other day Miles and Bennett just both happened to be wearing brown, so I captured a few pictures!

Miles loves to pull up and stand everywhere now!

Bennett showing off some ballerina moves

Miles either claps or waves at just about everything these days!

October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

The weather has been just gorgeous the past couple weeks, so we decided to go get some pumpkins yesterday. Miles had a great time exploring all of the textures of pumpkins, and Bennett liked to point out each "unique-looking pumpkin." "Mom, look at that one. Dad, look at this!" Etc, etc! The best part was the pumpkin that Bennett chose to take home as "her pumpkin." She recently received a book called The Ugly Pumpkin from Nana and Papa. In the book, a pumpkin looked different than all the rest and was picked on and bullied by others until he realized that he was really a squash. (sorry if I ruined the plot for some of you who were dying to read it!) Bennett chose a pumpkin that had bumps all over it as her pumpkin because she wanted to take home an "ugly pumpkin." I was so proud of her empathy! Here are a few pictures from our adventure...

OH and in other news...Miles FINALLY got his first tooth on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure he's working on his second one now too. Yay!!

Bennett and her "ugly pumpkin"

Pulling up on pumpkins is fun!

Bennett thought this would be a good one for Miles