December 22, 2012


The kids and I baked some gingerbread cookies this morning. Bryant helped by sleeping nicely in his chair. Now the kids are having fun playing with Uncle Chris.

And a picture of our tree for good measure.

December 13, 2012

1 week

Bryant is 1 week today! He had his checkup with Dr. Koenig this morning and everything is great! He screamed the whole time we were there, though, because he does not like being naked!! Bryant's weight had dropped to 8 lbs, 8 oz when we left the hospital, but he was back up to 9 lbs, 3 oz today. He gained it all back and more! The doctor was impressed! 9 lbs, 3 oz and 21 in put him at 90% for both height and weight. He's my big boy!!

Bryant also got his stocking from Nana and Papa in the mail today, so our mantle is now complete! :)

December 8, 2012

New Baby

We are home from the hospital! Bryant Steven Janosky was born Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 12:59AM.  He weighed an even 9lbs and was 21inches long.  Our biggest baby! He was down to 8lbs, 8oz when we left the hospital, but he is eating like a champ, so I'm sure the weight loss won't last long!

Bennett and Miles are excited about their little brother.  Bennett is over-the-top in love.  She has lots of questions and wants to help with everything.  She is really proud when we let her hold Bryant.   Miles is accepting of his new brother, but is not as interested as Bennett.  I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly with his transition to being a big brother.  

Now it's on to learning how to adjust to being a family of 5! 

Here are some of our pictures from our hospital stay.  

Welcome to the world baby Bryant!

 Bryant and Dr. Smith in the delivery room

 Our first little family photo in the delivery room

 Bryant meets Grandma Joje

 Bryant hanging out with Pa and big brother Miles

 Snuggles with Daddy

 Bennett is in LOVE

 Taking her big sister job seriously!

 Bryant meets Aunt Murph

 Such a sweet boy!

 He's going to have to get used to having lots of fingers in his face! :)

 Bennett gets to hold Bryant for the first time

 Our very first family of 5 photo

 Bennett and Miles loved going for a "ride" on my hospital bed!

All ready to go home!

December 6, 2012

Bryant Steven Janosky

Here's the newest addition to the Janosky family.

November 21, 2012

A few recent events + baby update

A couple weekends ago, we had a really crazy weekend! 

Saturday morning, the kids got their flu mist at the doctor, then we went to brunch with some friends, Bennett attended a friend's birthday party, then the kids and I went to cheer on Brandon at his cyclocross race.  

 The kids cheering and ringing their cowbells!

 Here comes Brandon!

Then Sunday, a few of my girlfriends took me out to brunch for a small "baby shower."  After that, Bennett had her final soccer game of the season.  Right before half time, it started torrentially down pouring! Everyone ran under a gazebo, and the kids got their special treats and trophies.  It wasn't quite how we wished the season would end, but they had fun nonetheless! Apparently that day I just hopped from one shower to the next!

 Bennett and her soccer trophies

 Bennett and coach daddy...very wet!!

We went home quickly and changed into dry clothes, then headed to Bennett's Daisy Scout pinning ceremony.  

Bennett hanging out with her buddies Mabel and Maggie.  

On the baby front, I am now 37 1/2 weeks along.  I was checked at the doctor for the first time yesterday, and discovered that I'm already 3.5 cm dilated.  Hopefully this little man will make his appearance soon!! :)

November 9, 2012


I have a lot of things to report, so I'm just putting them all together in one.  11/3 was Bennett's 1/2 birthday, so to stick with tradition, Brandon took her to Schnucks in her PJs to choose whatever cereal she wanted.  Somehow, they came back with 2 boxes of pure junk!! ;)

Last weekend, Brandon got a lot of baby items out of the garage so that I could start organizing, cleaning, etc.  Miles decided he must try out everything!

 What a goof!

I also was able to go on a walking field trip with Bennett's class to the Kirkwood Farmer's Market.  Here are all the girls in her class.  A great bunch of kids!

We just got a new chair in our great room delivered yesterday.  Of course the kids had to try it out! (and  I had to get a picture of Miles in his mustache shirt just for daddy!)

Bennett wanted to read to Miles in the new chair too! What a good big sister!!

Today, Miles had school, but Bennett was off because of Parent-Teacher conferences.  Bennett and I had some girl bonding time.  We went to the Butterfly House (we had never been before) and it was really cool! Thousands of butterflies were flying around everywhere! They were gorgeous! One even landed on my head! You had to watch where you were walking too, because butterflies land on the ground and drink water from the path too.  Bennett really liked it! Then I let her run around on the playground for awhile after that.  Finally, we headed to the mall and I let her pick out 2 new outfits for her new baby brother, and one for her.  She was very proud of her choices! We had a great mommy-daughter morning.  

 owl butterflies eating rotten bananas


A self-portrait.  Not the best, but we had to document our time together!! :)

November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Halloween seemed to be the holiday that kept going and going! Here are some pictures from just some of our celebrations.  First, we went to Kirkwood's trick or treat last week.  You walk around downtown Kirkwood and all the businesses hand out candy.  Then on Saturday night, Bennett's school had trunk-or-treat.  It was fun to walk around to the various decorated cars to trick-or-treat.  People really went all out!  The kids got tired and cold though, so we didn't make it all that long there.  On Tuesday, we finally carved our pumpkins (just in time!).  Wednesday, Bennett wore her costume to school.  Her class walked up to a retirement home in Kirkwood and sang Halloween songs to the elderly, then had a party, then that afternoon they paraded around the streets of Kirkwood.  What a day! Finally, Meredith came over and went Trick-or-Treating with Brandon, Bennett and Miles while I stayed home to pass out candy to the kids who came to our house.  As is custom in St. Louis, kids are supposed to tell a joke.  This year Bennett went with, "Why couldn't Cinderella play soccer? Because she was always running away from the ball!" Miles has been incredibly shy lately, so we didn't really prepare a joke for him.  We thought that it would be a miracle if he would tell strangers Happy Halloween.  Instead, he fully embraced his alter-ego Buzz Lightyear, and apparently said different Buzz quotes at each house.  He had people cracking up because he was such a ham! After one house in particular, he came back and told Brandon and Murph, "That house was great! They loved me!" You never know with that kid!
What a Halloween!

 A picture of Miles.  He got too tired and decided he didn't want to put his hands in a pumpkin, so this was the best we got! :)
Bennett dressing herself as a Jack-o-lantern and being silly at dinner.

 Looking at the pumpkin goo.

 This face says it all.  She was pretty unsure about sticking her hand in there!

She did it!

 Our finished products.  I carved a ghost in a window, Bennett's pumpkin was carved into a princess crown.

 Miles's pumpkin was Buzz Lightyear (obviously) and Brandon carved "Moustache is King" to honor his Movember efforts.

 Bennett's school parade.  She was easy to spot in that wig! 
Her costume is Merida, the princess in the new Disney movie, Brave.  She had to have the wig to go with it.  It cracked me up every time I looked at her!

 The wig was really out of control during the parade! :)

 Merida and Buzz Lightyear!

 With Daddy and Aunt Murph getting ready to go trick-or-treating!

The whole fam! I had to make a shirt to give the baby a little costume too! :)
34 1/2 weeks...the countdown is on!