September 3, 2009

It's official: Crocs banned

Finally, some legislation that makes some sense and truly helps people! Let me explain.

Last night, we were at Meet the Teachers night for Bennett's new school. She's starting in the "Butterfly" room with other 2-yr olds, two days a week, for about 2hrs each time. At the briefing, we learned that the school has instituted some new policies, one of which is that the little ladies must wear shorts or bloomers under their dresses in order to encourage a little modesty. Dora the Explorer underpants are NOT for showing off. That makes sense. We don't want any shady 2-yr old boys slinking around the swingset for the wrong reasons.

But the real nugget of rule-making prowess is that Crocs have been banned in the entire school district. At last, somebody thinks they're as ugly as I do. They've come to their fashion senses and realized that people look ridiculous in oversized rubber sandals. Or maybe it was for safety reasons. I don't remember.

They accused Crocs, and other sandal-like footwear, of being the cause of many schoolyard injuries. Namely, broken ankles. Yikes! So there you have it, the footwear designed for comfort and health has been deemed "dangerous." It brings me great comfort to know that my daughter's school is proactive about these things. If I could get on the school board, I would target Uggs next. They hurt my eyes.

On a different note, it was pretty weird to be meeting Bennett's teachers. I mean, she's 2. She can barely open a door! But don't let that fool ya about how smart she is. We were at the Big River Running shoe store the other day, and promptly on walking in, she proclaimed, "You've got a LOT of things in here." No argument, there. It's a well-stocked running store. She looked at the wall covered entirely in shoes, pointed at a familiar yellow/black Asics shoe and announced that "those are Daddy's running shoes." Nothing gets by her.

Our little girl is going to school. *Sniff*

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