January 9, 2010

The First Ever Frozen Face Marathon

I went to a SLUG (St. Louis Ultrarunners Group) meeting this morning at Queeny Park, but I wanted to run before it started because it only seemed fitting.  My buddy John planned to meet me at 7 to get started, but he got there early... just like me... so we hit the trail at about 6:30AM.  The thermometer in my car read 3F.  There was also a steady 15mph wind all day.  We got started, and simply didn't stop until we had covered a little more than a marathon... just in time for the meeting!  We covered 26.6mi in 4:07.
Needless to say, there was some coldness going on.  Our face masks became solid blocks of ice.  And our jackets, once they absorbed some sweat, became shells of ice.  They lost their ability to "breath" or "wick" about 20 minutes into the adventure.  It DID block the wind though.  Ice is good at that.  As long as I kept moving at a good clip, my Under Armor base layer kept me warm enough under my ice-coat.  I had some trouble talking at the end of that video clip because there wasn't much feeling left in my jaw and lips.  So no making fun of that.
To keep me moving, I ate 2 Gu gels, 6 Fig Newtons, a handful of chocolate covered espresso beans, a few Teddy Grahams, and a decent amount of water.
For my next trick, I'll probably rest like it's going out of style.

1 comment:

  1. Props to you! I am running the Snowball Series this year once again and my friend Ed is doing the Frosbite Series. Congrats on your Marathon!!


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