January 4, 2010

Christmas, Part 4

You thought, three parts of Christmas is plenty, right? Nope! It keeps going! December 30 through this morning, Brandon's parents came to visit and celebrate Christmas with us.  While they were here, Brandon and Wayne left for a little over 24 hours to go up to Chicago for the Gonzaga/Illinois basketball game.  While they were gone, Lorie and I got to do some shopping and we went to see It's Complicated.  Bennett had so much fun playing with both Nana and Papa! In fact, she wouldn't really let Brandon or me do anything for her while they were here.  Nana or Papa had to do it! They slept down in the basement, and as soon as Bennett woke up in the morning, she ran right downstairs to wake up Papa so he could play with her! We had a great time and opened even more gifts! Bennett just played and played with her new Little People castle from Nana and Papa and all of its accessories from Aunt Erin and Uncle Jake.  She truly LOVES it! Also, Wayne was able to accomplish some big projects around our house that I'm so excited about! He fixed my dryer which wasn't drying properly, he repaired a broken pocket door going into our kitchen that was hanging crooked, and the one I was most excited about, was that he drilled a hole through our floor and connected our ice maker on our freezer!! After having the feature for years, it finally actually makes ice! HOORAY!!  They left this morning, so now it is time to finally take down the Christmas decorations and start really thinking about this baby coming in just a few weeks! It's hard to believe that he will be considered "full term" this Saturday, and he could come at any time! 

Bennett and Nana playing with her new castle

Bennett loves Nana!

Snuggling on the couch with Papa

Not the greatest picture, but Bennett and Papa even braved the extreme cold to go play outside and jump in leaves for a little while!

1 comment:

  1. love the Christmas update...must have taken you forever. And I am quite jealous that you saw a movie...do it now! Keep me posted on baby #2!


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