July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! Even though it was 104 degrees today, we managed to have a great time! At 10:00, we participated in the Kirkwood kids parade.  Hundreds of people show up with bikes, scooters, strollers and wagons and walk/ride a little parade route. It's a tradition that has been going on every year for 70 years.  At the end of the parade, the people of the originating house pass out popsicles to all the kids.  I read that they have enough to serve 750, and I believe it.  I'm really glad we participated for the first time.  I think it will definitely be a tradition we continue.  It was just so fun to see so many families from our community out celebrating the 4th together!

 Cool kids riding in style in the wagon.

A view of paraders in front of us.  Amazing!

Enjoying Patriot pops after the parade with friends Lilian and Lukas.

This is the original sign from 70 years ago. When the original owners sold the house, they put a special contract in it that the new owners had to continue the parade tradition and pass out popsicles at the end.

After the parade we headed over to the Lyons's house for a BBQ and playing.  The kids played so hard with their friends all day long! Miles was asleep in the car by 6:45 on the way home.  Yay for 4th of July fun and early bed times!!

Thanks Lukas! That's what friends are for!


  1. Brandon, do you know that it is in the Deeds of the house where the parade originated that the current owner MUST hand popsicles to all the kids.

  2. Looks like a fun time despite the heat. Very cool the previous home owners ensured the tradition lives on.


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