July 26, 2011

18 months!

I can't believe that my little man is 18 months old already! Time certainly flies! He has exploded verbally just in the last month. He now has LOTS of words! He will attempt to say pretty much anything, but some of it is more recognizable than others. We like to call him Sean Connery because his "s" sound often sounds like "sh," especially at the end of words. Our favorite one for him to say is "housh." :)

Miles loves his sister and calls her "did-it" They are starting to play together well, until Bennett thinks Miles is going to destroy something she spent a lot of time setting up! Bennett has been at camp in the mornings last week and this week, and he definitely misses her when she's gone.
Miles has a funny habit. Whenever a stranger starts talking to him, he always has to point out that there are people around that he knows. So he'll start pointing and saying "mom", "dad", "did-it."

For the most part, Miles is an extremely happy guy. There's almost always a smile on his face. He's a little stinker though, and loves to get into things he's not supposed to!

He had his 18 month check-up at the doctor today. Here are his stats:

Height: 33 3/4"- 90%
Weight: 27# 6 oz.- 75%
He also had 1 shot and didn't cry at all! I was floored!

I took a little photo shoot this morning while he was enjoying his milk on the couch...Enjoy!


  1. Cant wait to see this little guy... just 4 more weeks!

  2. he's adorable...and such a little camera ham!


Sometimes people say stuff...

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