February 5, 2010

Miles' first Dr. appointment

On Tuesday, I took Miles in for his 1 week check up. As you all know, he weighed 8lbs, 10oz at birth. By the time we left the hospital he was down to 8lbs, 5 oz. At his check up he weighed in at 8lbs, 13 oz, so he is gaining weight really well! Also, he measured in at 20 1/4", putting him at 50%ile for height and 75%ile for weight.

All bundled up in his car seat ready to go to the doctor

He is doing great so far. The first couple of nights were kind of rough, then he gave us a few in a row that were pretty good with 4 hour stretches. The past couple of days haven't been as good again. You just never know with a newborn! Otherwise, though, he is a great baby. He really only cries when he is hungry and during diaper changes. Other than that, he is a very content little guy!

It has definitely been an adjustment trying to get used to having 2 kids by myself. The biggest challenge is keeping attention on Bennett when I am feeding Miles and not mobile for so much of the day. Yesterday was the hardest because he woke up hungry just as I was laying down with Bennett to read her books before her nap. Before I knew it, I had Miles crying because he was hungry and Bennett crying because she wanted me to read books. I felt like yelling, "help!!" Bennett has been really great with him though. She loves him but doesn't smother him, and she's adjusted pretty well to having to alter her routine a bit based on his schedule. A big thanks to my mom, too, who has helped us out so much since Miles has come home. She gives Bennett some special attention time, watches Miles while I take Bennett to/from school, and is constantly bringing over food for us and picking up my house that seems to be a disaster every time I turn around. Thanks mom!

Today I tried to put Miles down in his crib for the first time for a nap. I got a picture, but it only lasted about 5 minutes! Oh well, we'll try again another time!!


  1. Reading your last entry about being alone with two kids makes me scared. And I just needed to say, " Aren't mom's the best"

  2. I'm sure you are doing an amazing job with the both of them. I can't wait to meet Miles...he is just too adorable!


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