December 21, 2009

Seven Zero Zero!

Success again this morning! 
But we were a little nervous at first.  Bennett got up at about 6:37AM, and I think she got excited to simply see a "7" on her princess alarm clock.  I heard her hop out of bed, emerge from her room, and pause in the hallway between our bedroom and her's.  I could tell she was thinking that something wasn't quite right.
Lilo approached her with a soft "meow."  Bennett answered politely in kind, and I couldn't help chuckling a little to myself, even though I would rather be sleeping. 
Their conversation escalated.  Lilo let out a sharp, "meow." 
Bennett replied, "mee-owww" more sternly. 
Their conversation crescendoed with two louder and longer "meows" before ending abruptly.
Then we heard the clicking sound (to make it glow) from Bennett's alarm clock.  By now it was probably 6:39AM.  Sevens can be so fleeting!  The pitter-patter of quick toddler steps back into her room were music to this dad's ears.  She was angelic for the next 20 minutes, reading in bed to her small army of stuffed creatures.
At seven o'clock on the button, she came charging in, confident that it was indeed time to get up. "It says seven zero zero now on my clock," she announced.  Spot on. 
For her next trick, she'll be learning to change diapers and swaddle.

1 comment:

  1. So cute, I'm happy to hear that Brandon didn't scar her for life from the other morning.


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