Last weekend, Miles had his 2nd birthday party at Gymboree. He takes tumbling classes there, so it was nice for him to be familiar with the place. We had a contingent of 4 year olds, and also a group of 2 and under younger siblings. It was pretty much the sweet spot between ages, where everyone had a lot of fun! Definitely a success!!
Getting ready for the party.
Miles doesn't look so happy, but here's a good picture of his birthday shirt.
Daddy helping Miles cross the monkey bars
Having fun!
Some of the kids getting ready to sing a song.
Taking a break on the steps.
Bennett taking control of the line to ride in the doughnut.
Bennett takes a turn!
Happy guy doing a dance!
Miles loves popping bubbles!
Miles gets a birthday hug from Gymbo!
Pretending they're sleeping during a song with Gymbo.
Miles's Thomas the Train birthday cake
Enjoying pizza and juice with his friends.
Bennett and some of the big girls
Blowing out his candle
Thomas and cake. What could be better?