I didn't give a proper 11 month update of Miles since it fell the day after Christmas, and that was in the middle of our Christmas chaos. In the month of December, Miles got 2 more teeth, and January 9 his 5th tooth just came through. I think there are a couple more not far behind. His sleeping wasn't great for awhile. He would be up at 4 AM for an hour for no apparent reason (other than all these teeth he's been getting) although he didn't seem too upset, just awake. Lately he's been doing much better though.
He's such a character! He loves getting into all cabinets and drawers. Lately, his favorite has been to open the cabinet that holds all of my coffee K-Cups, and transfer all of them into the drawer under my oven!! He's a super speed crawler and always goes straight for all stairs too!
Right now he's really into stirring. Give the kid a bowl and a spoon and he goes to town "stirring the pot" as we call it. He's also enjoying transferring things in and out of a bag or box. He's getting more confident standing every day and does it for a few seconds at a time multiple times a day now. No steps yet though. He loves to push anything around the house that he can move: chairs, his high chair, his push toys, diaper boxes, etc.
Eating has been interesting lately. He's been ravenously hungry, but he's developing much more discerning taste buds. He's not too big of a fan of a lot of vegetables now, but loves all fruit. He's also very picky about textures. He's still on baby food at least half the time, but I'm having trouble getting him to try many new things to expand his horizons. Just yesterday he started drinking cow's milk. Hooray! We're weaning off of formula! He hasn't had trouble doing it, although with Bennett I was able to transfer to milk and a sippy cup at the same time. I think giving up the bottle will be more of a challenge with Miles because he does not like cups!!

I was washing the windows to get our house ready for a showing. I gave Miles the roll of paper towels with a few left on it to play with. I turned around and he had ripped a few off and was "washing" the windows just like me!

Opened the cabinet, got out some supplies, and started "stirring the pot!"

Transferring my K-Cups into the drawer under the stove.