We traveled to Spokane from Dec. 10-14. Each way we had really horrible flight times (6AM on the way out, and didn't get home until 11:30PM on the way back). The kids were really troopers! Bennett is a perfect little flier. Give her a few activities and she's happy as can be! Brandon and I gave ourselves an iPad for Christmas, so we opened it early to enjoy on the flight. Bennett absolutely loved listening to books and coloring on it! Miles was a little more difficult. He just wants to get down, crawl around and cruise. But considering how long our travel time was, he did really well!
We had a great time hanging out with Nana, Papa, Jake, Erin, Ella and Bridgette in Spokane. We also got to visit with Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Caskey and Uncle Tom. Bennett and Ella really played well together, and Miles and Bridgette enjoyed looking at each other. Lots of good food was consumed, and there were so many gifts, I'm still not sure how we fit everything in our bags (we had an extra suitcase on the way home)!!
Thanks for the wonderful time!
The Daddies and the kids
Erin helping Ella open one of her gifts from us
Bennett and Ella ready to play in the snow!!
All ready to go! Bennett loved sledding and building a snowman with Ella, Daddy, Uncle Jake and Papa.
An attempt at a picture of Bennett and Ella in their matching dresses after Mass.
Miles and Papa in matching outfits at the Davenport Hotel.
We went to the Davenport Hotel because professionals were decorating gingerbread houses for a contest. Everything visible had to be edible! Bennett's favorite was the Cinderella castle (0bviously!).
We then went home and felt inspired to decorate our own gingerbread house.
Bennett was very precise when decorating...kind of like one of her parents (hint: it's not me!)

Bennett's half is finished!!
Happy boy!

Bridgette and Miles in the bath

Great-Grandpa Caskey with Miles

Miles and Great-Grandma Caskey
Oh! And one of Miles's top teeth finally emerged while we were in Spokane! The other top tooth is not far behind!