June 12, 2012

And now the whole family knows...

As some of you already know, Baby Janosky #3 will be arriving sometime around December 9, 2012.  We have waited to tell the kids for as long as possible, because it is a long time to wait and that concept of time is just really difficult for kids to grasp.  I am now 14 weeks pregnant, and with each child the baby bump starts making its appearance a little sooner.  I knew that the time had come to tell the kids when Bennett announced to me this morning while we were snuggling, "Mommy, I'm long and skinny.  You're big and chubby."  Ouch.

We planned a trip to the library today.  I chose a couple books about having a new baby.  Tonight after dinner, Brandon and I sat down on the couch with the kids and read the first book.  They listened attentively.  When I was finished, I asked them if they wanted to have a new baby at our house.  They both said yes.  Then I said, "great, because there is a baby in my tummy." Bennett answered, "WHAT!?" Miles looked down my shirt.  I then said, "The baby is really tiny right now.  It won't be here for awhile...not until close to Christmas.  It needs to grow big and strong in my tummy first."  Bennett responded, "Christmas! That's only 1 season away!"  After a brief review of seasons, I asked her what she thought about being a big sister again.  She said that she was excited about it.  She was mostly concerned if Miles would be a big brother too.  I told her yes, he would be a big brother to the baby but he would always be her little brother.  She was content with that answer.  While this was going on, Miles was rolling around the couch.  When I asked him if he wanted to be a big brother, his response was, "Can we play the elephant game now?" Went right over his head!

So the cat's out of the bag.  I've kind of felt like we were sneaking around talking to friends and family without the kids hearing.  I'm relieved that now we can openly talk about becoming a family of 5.

Oh, and apparently I need to buy a red maternity top with flowers on it.  For some reason both illustrators thought that was the thing to wear when you're pregnant!


  1. You know, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting suspicious. You have been quite absent from pictures recently...I am SOOOO happy for you! I hope it's a boy (well, you know me, I hope it's healthy and on time first), I think Miles would just be in heaven!

    1. Haha thanks Lis! You're right, Miles would love a brother, although Bennett has already announced that she'd prefer a sister! And usually I'm absent from pictures because I'm always the one taking them!! ;)


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