Miles is 4 months today! So it's time for our monthy Nap Nanny picture. Miles is actually not sleeping on his Nap Nanny anymore. He was doing great at night time, but his naps were horrible. He pretty much only slept in someone's arms, then when you tried to put him down, he would wake up within 5 minutes. It was making my life very unproductive! So I went back to trying to swaddle him and laying him flat, and he loves it. He now naps so much better and longer in his crib! However, nights haven't been as good...go figure! It's funny, because he never liked being swaddled as a newborn. He would just grunt and fight his way out right away. However, now when you wrap him up, he is instantly calmer and goes to sleep really quickly.
He is also working on teeth. The amount of drool coming from this kid is unreal, and he constantly has his hands/any toy he is playing with in his mouth. Hope they poke their way through soon!
Today we had an eventful doctor's appointment, because I took Bennett for her 3 year checkup and Miles for his 4 month checkup at the same time. AND they both had to have times! Here are the statistics...
Miles (4 months):
24 1/4"- 60%ile
17#, 6 oz- 90%ile
Bennett (3 years):
37 1/2"- 60%ile
31#- 50%ile
Happy guy!
Grabbing his toes is one of his favorite things to do these days
Two very happy and healthy kids... way to go Laura and Brandon!