On Friday, Miles had his 6 week check up. I knew my little buddy was huge, and his appointment confirmed that. He is officially 22 1/4"- 50%, and 13 lbs- 95%!!
Friday afternoon, Nana and Papa came to visit. Papa and Bennett spent hours and hours playing with her castle and farm...Papa has quite the imagination and patience to make it playing that long! Bennett was just thrilled to have so much attention! We decided that Papa must be short for "popular" because he couldn't have 5 minutes to himself without Bennett asking for him! Nana was a pro at getting Miles to sleep, and they made some wonderful meals for us as well! Thanks for the visit!
Papa and Bennett playing "castle"
While at the same time, Nana put Miles to sleep...success!!
Miles was also Baptized on Sunday, followed by a wonderful party at Grandma Joje and Pa's house, but I'll have to post about that later when I get the pictures.
Today was a beautiful, 70+ degree day. We finally got to go outside! Bennett, Miles and I walked down to Warson Woods park with our new stroller and played, then when we came home, we enjoyed a picnic outside. Miles just loved laying on the blanket and staring at the sky outside. Poor little January baby finally got to feel what outside is all about!
Oh! And Miles has taken a bottle successfully 4 times now! Anyone who remembers our struggle with Bennett taking a bottle knows that this is a BIG deal!
nice work Miles!