December 22, 2009

Christmas is Coming!!

Bennett is really in the Christmas spirit! Today was her last day of school until Jan. 5.  She was so excited to give her teachers their Christmas presents, and they sang lots of Christmas songs at school too.  Her favorite, by far, is Rudolph, so I included the video of us singing above (please disregard my voice and just listen to Bennett's!!)

Here's a picture of her ready to go to school this morning...

Also, yesterday Meredith came over to help me bake cookies.  Bennett was supposed to be napping but she decided not to instead.  Meredith had brought Bennett a surprise...a Dora Christmas movie! So Bennett watched that while we baked.  Then Meredith sat down to read a Christmas story to Bennett after the movie was over.   Well...Bennett didn't make it through the whole story!! haha  At least she got a nap!

I'm hoping that Bennett will go to sleep today because tonight we have a cookie decorating party at her friend Hollye Anne's house.  Bennett is very excited about it!!  I will have to post pictures after tonight's Christmas get together with all of her buddies!


Sometimes people say stuff...

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