December 23, 2009

Cookie Party!

Last night, my brave friend Kimen had Bennett and all of her buddies and families over for a cookie party! The kids had so much fun decorating cookies and playing together! Each of our families continue to grow, so what used to be 6 kids Bennett's age has now turned into 6 two-and-a-half year olds, 4 babies under the age of 8 months, and 2 more babies on the way!   Here are some pictures from our fun night last night!

Bennett painting on her frosting...

Now adding some sprinkles...

YUM! These are good!!

We seriously tried to get all of Bennett's buddies in a picture together...that was pretty much impossible! But here are a couple of funny attempts...
Wait...where's Will?

There he is! This is everyone! (except for 3 of the babies and forget trying to get everyone to look at the camera!!) haha

December 22, 2009

Pere Marquette Endurance Trail Run (Dec 12th, 2009) - Race Report

We dropped off Bennett at Pa and Joje's house and headed out after work on Friday.  Laura and I stayed at the Lodge in Pere Marquette State Park the night before this race, so I got to sleep in until about 7:15AM. I took a shower, put on my race gear, ate a PB&J sammich and part of a banana, and then headed across the street to packet pick-up to meet up with some friends; Travis, Matt, Andy, and Brian, and their respective significant others.
The race started in waves of about 25 people, every 30 seconds.  I started in wave #4 (technically, the 5th wave because there is a wave #0) by virtue of entering my most recent 10k time. Admittedly, I made one up since I didn't have a real one to go with. It was fair, though. It gave me a shot to run with faster people, and not get bogged down folks who would start a lot slower than me.

Right out of the gate, people blasted forward and I ended up about mid-pack as we surged up the first hill, a behemoth mound of dirt, steps, roots, and rocks boasting a relentless 450ft of climb in about 1.25miles. It didn't take long before I started power walking the steepest pitches. Success! A few racers ran by me in first few minutes that I reeled in by walking shortly thereafter. Those who were laboring to even jog up these initial hills were doing themselves a huge disservice. With long strides and swinging arms, I quickly made my way to the top of the hill, no worse for the wear, and most importantly, ready to RUN.

I barrelled down every hill at top speed, sometimes with reckless abandon. I was already catching people from the waves ahead of me less than 2 miles in, and doing most of this damage on the descents.  All the while, it took a solid mental effort not to get caught up in my own competitiveness as people ran by me up the hills.  Just before the peak of each big climb, I'd start running again and pass a few more people who couldn't gather their legs under them after trashing them on the climb. Not a single person passed me permanently.

Eventually, the race was really strung out at the front, and at times 50-100yds separated people. Every time it felt like I had picked off the last person I was going to be able to catch, I'd close in on, and pass, one more.

I knew I was having a pretty good race when I didn't see Laura and the rest of the crew at the road-crossing about 6mi in because she wasn't expecting me there yet. At best, I'd hoped to finish in around 1:05. Until the last 1.25 miles, I hadn't really taken the time to do any math. But after a quick estimation, it dawned on me that I could break that elusive 1hr barrier if I really let it rip. I gathered myself for one final push and ran like hell trying to catch the next guy in front of me. I gave chase with everything I had left, but didn't gain much ground. The guys at the front of this race had some really quick legs, but I had no idea how close to the front I was.

I ran full tilt through the finish line to the cheers of my wife and friends. 59:56.  Totally spent! That was awesome.  I typically have a pretty good idea of what I'm capable of on race day, but I got a nice surprise at Pere Marquette.  It would not have surprised me to finish 10th in my Age Group, so I was thrilled get 4th place in the M25-29 division, 14th place Overall... and crack the elusive 1hr barrier.

Afterwards, I enjoyed grabbing some snacks from the cookie table (sweet double-stuffed mint Oreo goodness!), and some adult beverages as we waited for the results to roll in.  On our way back home, we stopped at the Grafton Winery with our friends to get lunch and swap stories.  As an added bonus, if we returned our race bibs (with the timing chips in them) at the winery, they would give us a free pour of wine or beer.  Deal!

I was so excited about the race, I wanted to run again the next day.  I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, but went out to the Chubb Trail and slogged out a painful 12 miles or so.  I managed to have a good time, but I won't do that again!  Well... not right after a race.

Christmas is Coming!!

Bennett is really in the Christmas spirit! Today was her last day of school until Jan. 5.  She was so excited to give her teachers their Christmas presents, and they sang lots of Christmas songs at school too.  Her favorite, by far, is Rudolph, so I included the video of us singing above (please disregard my voice and just listen to Bennett's!!)

Here's a picture of her ready to go to school this morning...

Also, yesterday Meredith came over to help me bake cookies.  Bennett was supposed to be napping but she decided not to instead.  Meredith had brought Bennett a surprise...a Dora Christmas movie! So Bennett watched that while we baked.  Then Meredith sat down to read a Christmas story to Bennett after the movie was over.   Well...Bennett didn't make it through the whole story!! haha  At least she got a nap!

I'm hoping that Bennett will go to sleep today because tonight we have a cookie decorating party at her friend Hollye Anne's house.  Bennett is very excited about it!!  I will have to post pictures after tonight's Christmas get together with all of her buddies!

December 21, 2009

Seven Zero Zero!

Success again this morning! 
But we were a little nervous at first.  Bennett got up at about 6:37AM, and I think she got excited to simply see a "7" on her princess alarm clock.  I heard her hop out of bed, emerge from her room, and pause in the hallway between our bedroom and her's.  I could tell she was thinking that something wasn't quite right.
Lilo approached her with a soft "meow."  Bennett answered politely in kind, and I couldn't help chuckling a little to myself, even though I would rather be sleeping. 
Their conversation escalated.  Lilo let out a sharp, "meow." 
Bennett replied, "mee-owww" more sternly. 
Their conversation crescendoed with two louder and longer "meows" before ending abruptly.
Then we heard the clicking sound (to make it glow) from Bennett's alarm clock.  By now it was probably 6:39AM.  Sevens can be so fleeting!  The pitter-patter of quick toddler steps back into her room were music to this dad's ears.  She was angelic for the next 20 minutes, reading in bed to her small army of stuffed creatures.
At seven o'clock on the button, she came charging in, confident that it was indeed time to get up. "It says seven zero zero now on my clock," she announced.  Spot on. 
For her next trick, she'll be learning to change diapers and swaddle.

December 18, 2009

This Morning

This morning was a true test for Bennett.  Recently, her rule has been that she has to wait until the sunshine comes up before she can get out of bed and come in our room.  That worked pretty well for awhile.  However, she's been really into time and clocks lately, so I have been showing her that the first number on the clock needs to be a 7 to get up.  If it still says 6, then it's too early.  This morning, at 6:35, she came running into our room.  Brandon told her that it was too early because the clock still said 6, so she needed to go back to bed.  She ran in her room and started crying hysterically.  I went in there and put her clock right next to her in bed, tucked her in and got her started with reading some books to her animals and dolls in her bed.  This was a test for me because she looked up at me and so innocently asked, "Mommy, could I just come in your room early as a special treat today?"  How do you resist that? But somehow I did.  For the next 25 minutes, we could hear her reading in her bed, and very frequently I could hear the click of her pushing her button on her clock to make it glow so she could see the time.  At 7:00 on the button, she came running into our room, carrying her little clock.  First she came to my side of the bed and showed me the time, then she ran over to Brandon's side to show him that 7 was the first number.  She was so proud of herself and we were so proud of her for being patient and waiting! I was very glad that I didn't give in to her crying and pleading to get out of bed early.  :)

December 13, 2009

Christmas Festivities

We had a great holiday-filled day today! This morning, Grandma Joje took us to "breakfast with Santa."  He even arrived on a golf cart! Bennett decided (without any prompting) that Santa must have arrived on a golf cart because there is no snow on the ground, so he couldn't ride in his sleigh.  I thought that was pretty clever! Bennett did well sitting on his lap and talking with him.  She told Santa that she wanted "a baby doll and a present" for Christmas.  She didn't like the elf lady very much though!! Following brunch, we went to pick out our Christmas tree, and then we decorated it tonight.  Bennett had so much fun looking through all of the ornaments and helping me hang them on the tree.  She's VERY into all aspects of Christmas this year.  I love it! 

Ready to go!

Here comes Santa!!

Bennett and Grandma Joje

Bennett and Daddy


Santa even gave Bennett a toy! 

Family pic

Bennett helping to hang ornaments on the tree

Putting the angel on top of the tree

December 11, 2009

It's the Holiday Season!

It's here! The holidays! I've been shopping like crazy, and I'm happy to say that I'm very close to being finished! Yay!! We will be getting our tree this weekend (pics to follow), but I've already gotten out most of our other decorations.  I put away all of Bennett's Beanie babies, and just got out her Christmas ones (there are quite a few!).  She loves to organize them, and pair them together with common characteristics (ex. bears with wings, or all of the red ones, etc).
Bennett organizing her Christmas Beanies

  She is also still in LOVE with Nativity sets! She has her own Little People Nativity and Santa train that she plays with every day.  No matter where she goes, she often has a baby Jesus with her too!!!
Bennett lined up all of her Little People and animals to "go see Baby Jesus," who she prominently displayed on the hay!

Sporting her Dora Christmas jammies from Nana and Papa last night after her bath...of course, she has Baby Jesus in hand!

Today, she stayed later at school and participated in a holiday party.  She was the youngest one there, because the kids have to be potty trained to go to the party, and not many kids in her class are potty trained yet.  It seems like she had a great time though, and she made a cute craft and cookie.  

Bennett ready for school this morning

It's fun that she's more excited about Christmas this year.  She understands the concept of Santa much more this year, and she's even into other Christmas stories, like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Such a fun time of year!! 

December 1, 2009


Wow! I can't believe it's December already! Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately! November was a busy month, but I'll try to hit some of the highlights/funny Bennett moments! 

First of all, Brandon and I were able to take advantage of a kids' movie night at AGC.  Bennett went downstairs and watched Ice Age with a bunch of kids and some babysitters, and we were able to enjoy a nice dinner alone! I was not sure if she was old enough to do it, but she had a great time...and so did we!

Also, Bennett was very excited to help Daddy and me make our fixings for our "friend Thanksgiving" celebration.  I found an old apron of mine from when I was little, and let her wear it.  Then she was a big helper counting potatoes as I peeled them for the mashed potatoes, and helping us count out teaspoons, tablespoons and cups to make our traditional Chex Mix.  She even snacked on a few...hey, counting is hard work!  

Recently, Grandma Joje took Bennett and me to the shoe store to get Bennett some "fancy shoes" for the holidays.  While in the store, a lady who worked there took a liking to Bennett and started talking to her.  She asked Bennett, "What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?" To be fair, I don't think Bennett really remembers Thanksgiving from last year, so she just came up with the first response she could think of.   She answered the lady by saying quite confidently, "Pottying."  The lady thought it was hilarious! I guess you never know what is going to come out of a 2 1/2 year old's mouth! You can tell what we've been talking about a lot around here these days!! 

Another classic line came when Bennett and I were out doing errands one day.  I told her the list of places we had to go, including my eye doctor to pick up my contacts which had come in.  Well, when we got there, we were walking down the hallway to my doctor's office, and Bennett looked up at me and said, "Mommy, we're going to get your eye-tacts at your iPod doctor!" 

We had a lot of fun with Meredith while she was home for Thanksgiving break.  Bennett loves playing with her Aunt so much! I also enjoyed a cooking class that we finally took together.  It was a Christmas gift that she gave me last year.  I'm glad we were finally able to schedule it before Christmas rolled around again! Thanksgiving was fun and delicious as always.  We enjoyed the marathon day in Illinois visiting the Rulls at Uncle Stan and Aunt Carla's house for a Thanksgiving feast for lunch, and then traveling to Uncle Steve and Aunt Helen's house to have yet another yummy feast for dinner with the Reeds.  Bennett was very good, especially since she only had two 20 minute catnaps on various car rides.  Grace's trampoline and Aunt Helen's toy food left lasting impressions on her too!

On the baby front, I can't believe I am already 31 weeks! I took this picture 2 weeks ago at 29 weeks, but haven't gotten it up here yet.  He has been moving so much lately! I read somewhere that this week and next week are the peak of his movements before he gets bigger and starts running out of room.  Boy, can I tell! He's been kicking like crazy! Brandon even said last night, "I don't know how you sleep with him moving around like that!" It's quite the party in there right now.  I had an appointment today, and the doctor said everything looks good! I'm measuring right at 31 weeks now, instead of a little big like I was before.  I start seeing the doctor every two weeks now for the month of December and then weekly in January.  Definitely coming toward the end! I tried to convince the doctor that the best Christmas gift she could give me would be to find some reason for us to get another ultrasound (we love those things!).   But, unfortunately and fortunately, she said my insurance only allows another one if there is a "medical necessity," and my pregnancy is sailing along very smoothly, so no reason for one now.  She suggested asking Santa for a 3D ultrasound...hmmmm.  ;)