September 21, 2009

Change, Change change...

There has been a lot of change going on around here lately!  

Next, we are loving our new kitchen table! We finally said goodbye to the bistro table that I have had since I graduated from college.  It served us well, but Bennett was definitely ready to move out of her high chair, so we needed another seat.  Thank you, Grandma Rull, for giving us the kitchen table from your old house.  It is the perfect size for us, and Bennett is really proud of her new booster seat, and is loving being able to sit right at the table with Brandon and me.  Here is a picture from breakfast this morning!

The big news of today, though, was that Bennett moved into her "big girl room!" I tried it at nap time.  She did pretty well.  She sat in there and read books, sang, talked to herself, etc. for awhile.  Then she got a little upset, so I had to make a trip in there.  I calmed her down and then she spent some more time in there.  After about an hour total, I got her out.  She didn't sleep but it was a pretty good first experience.  I was mostly happy that she made no attempt to get out!  With her bed pretty high off the ground, and the bed rails, I'm hoping she views it kind of as a crib, which she never tried to escape from.  Tonight, she was so tired, that Brandon had no problem whatsoever putting her down to sleep for the night while I was at my prenatal aerobics class.  I snuck in and took a picture of my big girl in her new really big bed! We tried to make it as crib-like as possible, so she still has her blanket from her crib on, and her soother is still in there too! She loves that thing and plays it constantly.  It just has to rest by her now though, since there is nowhere to hang it on her new bed! Jelly cats, hippo and books are a must too! I can't believe how big she looks sleeping in there!!  She also apparently insisted on using her new Halloween pillowcase that Nana and Papa sent to her today! Funny!

Finally, this video is just really funny.  She made up a "kitty song," and this is her rendition.  Although it doesn't feature many lyrics, you get an idea of the kind of inflection she uses in her voice.  This kid has a myriad of faces and lots of inflection in her speech.  It makes for interesting conversations.  Enjoy the song! 

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